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Devon County Council - Committee Report

Code No: PTE/16/1

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13 January 2016

A38 Deep Lane North Junction Improvements Sherford: Approval to appointment of contractor and construction

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment


(a) the scheme design shown as drawing number (Dwg B230029 (attached to this report Appendix 2) be approved for construction at an estimated total project cost of 3.1m. This is an essential element to enable the discharge of the planning condition for Sherford New Community planning decision ref 7_49/2426/06/O);

(b) the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth, be given delegated authority to make minor amendments to the scheme design in consultation with the Local County Council Members;

(c) that Officers proceed with the appointment of the contractor under the Highway Structural Maintenance (HSM) Framework as set out in para 6 of the Report.

1. Summary

Approval is sought for expenditure of secured funds to undertake construction of the Deep Lane Phase 1 (DLp1) on the North side of the junction. This scheme is the first phase of two required by the planning permission to upgrade the existing junction to increase capacity for the New Community at Sherford, and to accommodate traffic at Langage Energy Park, as secured though the relevant legal agreements. This report seeks approval to proceed with the appointment of the contractor following the recent tender process.

2. Background

The area to the east of Plymouth is planned to experience significant growth as a result of strategic developments. The new community at Sherford to the south-west of the Deep Lane Junction will provide 5,500 new homes and 83,000 square metres of employment space in the form of a sustainable mixed use settlement. The primary access to the community will be via the Deep Lane junction from the north. Additionally the Langage employment site is identified as a strategic employment site which is anticipated to create more jobs for the area and has an existing permission for up to 40,000 sq meters of employment space. A Park and Ride site south of Deep Lane Junction taking trips to Plymouth, will also be provided as part of the Sherford development proposal. The Sherford Masterplan is attached as Appendix 1.

New housing and employment development will put additional pressure on Deep Lane junction. It is already operating at capacity in the peak periods as demonstrated through recent flow counts and observations of CCTV recordings of the junction. Within the peak periods there are queues on the approaches to Ridgeway Roundabout creating delays. The inefficiency of the roundabout is also compounded by the stacking of vehicles at the Deep Lane junction. With 5,500 new homes planned the pressures on this junction will result in more queuing and longer journey times. Improvements are required as a condition of the planning permission which constrains any construction post 1,300 homes at Sherford. It has also been acknowledged in previous transport studies that in order for expansion of Langage Business Park to happen, the delivery of the Deep Lane improvements is a critical first stage in the transport infrastructure requirements.

The delivery of the scheme at this junction is complex and involves three highway authorities (Plymouth City Council [PCC], Highways England and Devon County Council) working in partnership - all highway authorities are part of the project board. The scheme plan is provided at Appendix 2.

Sherford is at the start of its construction, with impetuous provided by funding support by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The development is ambitious in its vision to deliver high quality design of housing and a sustainable new community in an environmentally sensitive location. In order to do this the infrastructure requirements to deliver the components of a new town are considerable. The delivery of Sherford is supported by a cross authority delivery team representing Devon County Council, Plymouth City Council and South Hams District Council.

Reserved matters approval for the first 700 homes has been granted and the first tranche of highway works have started including the construction access route on Ridge Road accessed at Deep Lane South, signals to upgrade Deep Lane South to an 'all movements' junction, the new Haye Road Link from Haye Road Plymouth (providing the first part of Main St from Plymouth).

3. Proposal

The proposal is to deliver the first phase of Deep Lane junction improvements as required in the Sherford planning permission.

Deep Lane Junction is located on the A38 trunk road (also known as the "Devon Expressway") a few miles east of Plymouth. The junction links the A38 to Plympton and the Langage employment site to the north via Sandy Road and will serve the proposed new community Sherford to the south via Deep Lane. It is currently a complex four-arm grade separated junction with the A38 Parkway as the primary route. A single over bridge links Sandy Road to the north and Deep Lane to the south. On and off slips are provided from the A38 in both directions including a long curved bridge.

Phase 1 brings improvements to the north side of the junction, unlocking one part of the planning permission for Sherford, which halts housing development beyond 1,300 homes. It will provide the junction upgrades to manage the increase traffic traffic expected at Deep lane particularly on Ridgway Roundabout and at Deep Lane Junction. The improvements include the following: from north of the junction:

Within the PCC boundary the existing Ridgeway roundabout will be upgraded to a signalised junction, with a signalised left lane from Ridgeway towards Sandy Road. The existing carriageway will be widened to provide increased storage capacity and better lane allocation on the approach to the Ridgeway signals and Deep Lane North signals;

Existing signalised junction at Deep Lane North to be increased in size, to provide increased storage and capacity;

Carriageway widening to the existing left turn lane for eastbound on slip at Deep Lane junction;

Traffic signals will be optimised and linked to manage traffic flows better;

Existing shared pedestrian and cycle links will be retained, with signalised crossing points provided.

The works are anticipated to start in June 2016 and complete by March 2017.

Further pedestrian and cycle improvements will be provided on the south side of the junction as part of Phase 2 works which are required in the Sherford Section 106 agreement.

4. Consultations, Representations and Technical Data

The Sherford New Community Area Action Plan (Sherford AAP) is one of the key South Hams Local Development Framework (LDF) documents. It focuses upon the design and implementation of the Sherford new community, providing an important mechanism for ensuring a development of an appropriate scale, mix and quality. Sherford has progressed though the planning system and was granted outline planning approval in November 2013 by South Hams District Council (SHDC) and Plymouth City Council (PCC) this also included a full planning permission for the development of the spine route through Sherford, known as Sherford Main St (Deep Lane to Stanborough Cross.)

Sherford is on the 'Plymouth Urban Fringe' and approximately 400 homes will be within PCC's boundary including a leisure centre. It has clear transport connections with the city and so several joint studies, between Devon County Council, South Hams District Council and Plymouth City Council have been commissioned. Extensive discussion, negotiations and consultation have been undertaken between the developers and the local authorities as part of the pre application process.

The Local Transport Plan 3 refers to Sherford and the Deep Lane improvement scheme in terms of its objective to invest in infrastructure improvements that will improve journey time reliability (Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 3 2011-2026)

The section 106 for Sherford and detailed planning consent requires the delivery of junction improvements at Deep Lane. The signalisation of the South Side as an interim scheme will soon be completed to allow better access for construction traffic in the early phases of Sherford.

As part of the planning process there have been many stakeholders consulted on the scheme. The permissions were granted following several years of community and stakeholder consultation and technical analysis of the developer's application.

Phase 1 has been developed from the preliminary design that was granted planning permission. In developing the design the three highway authorities involved, (Highways England, Plymouth City Council, and Devon County Council) and the planning authority, South Hams District Council, have been consulted during the design process.

5. Environmental Impact Considerations

An Environmental Impact Assessment has been undertaken for the Sherford development to accompany the planning application. The assessment considered the potential for environmental effects to occur as a result of the proposed works, both during construction and after the development has been completed. Where a significant adverse environmental effect was identified, mitigation measures have been developed to reduce, minimise or avoid the impact.

A wildlife report for the Phase 1 scheme was produced in May 2015. The proposed works have the potential to have a negative impact on breeding birds, bats; badgers, reptiles, dormice and primrose, and invasive floral species are present on site. The timing of these works and other mitigation measures will reduce or remove any potential impact the proposed works may have.

Opportunities for environmental enhancement have also been considered during the design process as well as the need to minimise negative impacts. All impacts are adjacent to the existing highway. However, loss of some green space may result in a slight adverse effect on the water environment. It is unlikely to have significant impact on biodiversity. There is a small loss of verge and therefore slight adverse impact on landscape.

A Construction Environmental Management Plan will be produced to mitigate any environmental impacts as part of the construction process and agreed with the planning authority.

6. Financial Considerations

Devon County Council, as the scheme promoter for Deep Lane Phase 1, has been awarded Growth Deal 1 funding administered by the Heart of South West LEP. The scheme estimate includes an optimism bias of 44% and is costed at 3.1 million. 2 million has been allocated by the LEP. The funding requirements specify that the scheme is delivered by March 2017. The scheme programme is on target to deliver by that date.

As a requirement of the funding agreement, third party contributions have also been secured. There is an existing Section 278 contribution of 730,000 from Langage Energy Park for Deep Lane improvements as part of the outline permission for 40,000 sq. meters of employment land. Approximately 400,000 of this will be used to fund the design costs of Phase 2.

In addition the Sherford Consortium has agreed to pay the remaining cost of the scheme, estimated at 770,000, which is currently being secured through a Section 278 agreement. The scheme will not proceed to construction until the Section 278 agreement has been signed to the County Council's satisfaction.

DCC have progressed the procurement for this scheme with a view to appointing a preferred contractor under the Highway Structural Maintenance (HSM) Framework. It is necessary that the appointment is made as soon as possible as development of the Traffic Management and confirming arrangements/bookings with the Highways Authorities is a key item in the delivery programme.

The cost of the works including design has been estimated at 3.1m including an allowance for risk, contingency and finalised elements of the design. As previously highlighted this is a complex project due to three Highway Authorities being involved.

The Sherford Consortium has been asked to sign the Section 278 agreement that indemnifies the County Council against any cost increase over the 3.1m figure.

7. Sustainability and Equality Considerations

Where relevant to the decision, the Equality Act 2010 Public Sector Equality Duty requires decision makers to give due regard to the need to:

eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct;

advance equality by encouraging participation, removing disadvantage, taking account of disabilities and meeting people's needs; and

foster good relations between people by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.

Taking account of age, disability, race/ethnicity (includes Gypsies and Travellers), gender and gender identity, religion and belief, sexual orientation, pregnant women/new and breastfeeding mothers, marriage/civil partnership status in coming to a decision, a decision maker may also consider other relevant factors such as caring responsibilities, rural isolation or socio-economic disadvantage.

This may be achieved, for example, through completing a full Equality Impact Needs Assessment/Impact Assessment or other form of options/project management appraisal that achieves the same objective'

In progressing this particular scheme, an Impact Assessment has been prepared which has been circulated separately to Cabinet Members and also is available alongside this Report on the Council's website at:, which Members will need to consider for the purposes of this item.

The scheme will have a positive impact on pedestrians and cyclists with the retention of the existing shared pedestrian/cycle path and new signalised crossing points at Ridgeway Junction.

In economic terms the scheme will facilitate travel and development which will have a beneficial impact upon the local economy by enabling employment and housing development in the area to proceed with mitigated impact.

8. Carbon Impact Considerations

There may be a slight adverse impact on air quality resulting from increased traffic flows as a result of the development. However, conversely the scheme's improvement to traffic flow also has the advantage of improving the fuel efficiency of engines and reducing certain emissions including carbon.

9. Legal Considerations

The lawful implications of the recommendations have been considered and taken into account in the formulation of the recommendations set out above.

10. Risk Management Considerations

The scheme is subject to the normal engineering risks but is very well developed in its design programme. A significant sum for risk and contingency has been included within the scheme estimate.

11. Public Health Impact

The scheme is subject to a three phase (preliminary, detailed and post construction) Road Safety Audit (RSA) process. The design has been assessed in its preliminary phase and items of discussion include the safe use of crossings for pedestrians and cyclists and acceptability of proposed departures. No significant risks to project delivery have been raised. The RSA team includes a Highway England representative and has been undertaken by Amey, PCC's framework consultancy.

Options for a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the A38 adjacent to the junction are being considered alongside plans for Phase 2 although they may need to be funded as separate schemes.

12. Options and Alternatives

The scheme has progressed on the basis of the Deep Lane North preliminary design included with the planning permission for Sherford.

The design has been developed through a number of options which have re-assessed any potential adverse impacts on themes such as capacity, safety and maintenance.

The decision to make modifications to the existing junction within its highway boundary was chosen to minimise landscape and land requirements and impacts on neighbouring properties. In addition the junction size has been kept to the minimum requirements.

The selected design option is a result of extensive consultation with the other highway authorities taking into account impacts on local bus services, maintenance requirements and other feedback received.

13. Reason for Recommendation

The scheme unlocks a key phase of the Deep Lane junction improvements required as part of the Sherford planning permission, providing a major opportunity to bring forward the full potential of housing and employment planned at this strategic site. The scheme is consistent with the aims of the Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 3 with regard to economic growth. The scheme has been successful in its award of Growth Deal One funding and as such is regarded as a priority transport scheme by the Heart of the South West LEP.

Dave Black

Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Electoral Divisions: Bickleigh and Wembury; Yealmpton; and Ivybridge

Cabinet Member for Economy, Growth and Cabinet Liaison for Exeter: Councillor Andrew Leadbetter

Strategic Director, Place: Heather Barnes

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Dave Black

Room No: Lucombe House, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 4QD

Tel No: (01392) 383000

Background Paper


File Ref.

Impact Assessment

December 2015 (alongside report PTE/16/1)

gs151215caA38 Deep Lane North Junction Improvements

hk 04 311215

Appendix 1

To PTE/16/1

Appendix 2

To PTE/16/1